Retirement Complex
Residency - Ridgehaven
To apply for residential care, an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) needs to have completed an assessment. ACAT assessments are funded by the Australian Government and are free of charge. To find an ACAT in your local area visit the My Aged Care website at www.myagedcare.gov.au or phone 1800 200 422 Monday-Friday from 8.00am to 8.00pm or Saturday from 10.00am to 2.00pm.
Please be aware that your application is not complete until all the following documents have been provided:
A copy of your recent ACAT assessment;
A certified copy of the Enduring Power of Attorney;
A certified copy of your Advance Health Directive (if applicable)
The completed Application for Permanent Residential Aged Care Entry form
A current Centrelink assessment of aged care fees payable.
The three main types of aged care fees are the basic daily fee, which is paid by all aged care recipients, a means tested fee towards the cost of care and a fully refundable accommodation fee. Our maximum fully refundable accommodation fee is $250,000.
Centrelink will determine the amount, if any, payable for the cost of care and if there is to be a contribution toward accommodation. If applicable, you may choose to pay all or part of the accommodation fee. The amount paid for accommodation will determine that fee. If paid in full there are no further accommodation charges.

Tenancy – North Burnett Retirement Village (independent living)
Eligibility criteria for tenancy:
Aged 65 years or over
Current resident of North Burnett Regional Council area OR
Long-term connection to the North Burnett area
No pets allowed
For further information or an application form please contact our office on 4166 1082 during office hours – Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm. Or email reception@ridgehaven.org.au